Saturday, 27 December 2014


Hi folks!

How are you spending your holydays?
I am having really a good time!
Last Harajuku Fashion Walk in Turin was amazing! I met a lot of new people and we had a lot of fun~

This was my outfit~

Photo by Giulia Hepburn

Hat: offbrand
Blouse: Alice and the Pirates
Jabot: Fan Plus Friend
Trousers: offbrand
Tights: Alice and the Pirates
Boots: offbrand

Here I am with my lovely Rika
Photo by Giulia Hepburn

After that, me, my coven and some friends celebrated Yule with some friend at Haru's house. I really enjoyed this celebration.
In these holydays I received a lot of presents, so thank you to all my friends~

I finally have my pastel Survay Corps jumper that I bought online as a self-present for this year~

I really want to buy a new drawing tablet. My first one is sadly broken and I miss digital drawing too much.Stay tuned!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Antler Hat

Hi folks!
This is a really short post!
Since on 21th december I'll go to Harajuku Fashion Walk in Turin, today I decorate my hat to make it more Christmassy~

I used:
- My hat, of course.
- Gold decorations
- Wood antlers
- Hot glue
- Two black ribbons

Actually it's really simple.
I cut the black ribbons to fit the hat, and then I used the hot glue to paste the wood antlers and the gold decorations to it.

I had already decided the final look od the hat, obvs.

And here it is!

That's all~
Soon I'll post again to show you my outfit!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Kodona interview on MyM

Hi folks!

Some time ago Saoirse, a photographer who loves japanese street fashion, interviewed me for an article about kodona that has been published on an english magazine about japanese stuff.
She was really kind and sent me an issue of that magazine.

Finally it is here!

I am really happy~
Soon I'll write another post about the work in progress for my next kodona outfit (Christmas inspired!).
I'll wear it at next Harajuku Fashion Walk in Turin~

That's all.